BLOG: 1/6.000.000: Etty Hillesum (Middelburg 1914 – Auschwitz 1943)

BLOG: 1/6.000.000: Etty Hillesum (Middelburg 1914 – Auschwitz 1943)



Scientists tell us that the human mind is capable of imagining quite a small number of individual entities: between 6.000, 60.000, 600.000 and 6.000.000 we can distinguish rationally but at the level of imagining such numbers our powers run out at 6.000 (or some such figure). This is not a major handicap when talking about cigarettes or fruit-flies, but becomes very serious when we are talking about people, particularly about victims of violence. The purpose of this blog is to introduce those who do not know Etty Hillesum to this marvellous person and to suggest a way of combating the dangerous tendency to massively underestimate the difference between 6.000 and 6.000.000…. (Continua a leggere)