IV. The Psychological Paradigm: “Wo Es war soll Ich werden” [Sigmund Freud](“Where the Id was the Ego shall be”)

IV. The Psychological Paradigm: “Wo Es war soll Ich werden” [Sigmund Freud](“Where the Id was the Ego shall be”)

In former posts we saw that the so-called personalist and phenomenological paradigms are actually umbrella terms under which shelter many approaches and theories, many of which might be considered sub-paradigms. This will also be the case with the psychological paradigm. Here we have to do with an ombrellone covering a vast range of psychological theories and practices. There is no question of attempting an overview of these positions in a single blog. What seems possible, albeit in a suggestive rather than an apodictic manner, is to identify some of the contours of the umbrella itself, that is to say the very idea of psychology….[READ MORE]